Minecraft PE 1.2.2

Minecraft PE 1.2.2

Download Minecraft PE 1.2.2
8 September 2023
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(77 votes, Rating: 2.7 out of 5)

Download Minecraft 1.2.2 full version with working Xbox Live for Android: armor rack, flags, recipe book, and more!

What’s new in Minecraft 1.2.2?

With the release of the Better Together Update, the game has many different features. Players can customize the intricacies of the Minecraft 1.2.2 game world, starting from the cycle of day and night. They can also listen to music in the game, tame a new creature like a parrot, and make notes in a book.


A new location has appeared in Minecraft PE 1.2.2 – the canyon. This is a massive rift in the ground, leading to the depths. Most often, lava with water is found at the very bottom, less often abandoned mines. This location can be very useful in the initial stages of survival.


In addition to the canyon, new blocks have also appeared in Minecraft 1.2.2. Among them are multicolored flags and glasses, a turntable, and rocky ground. It is worth noting that a structural block was added exclusively for Windows 10 edition, which was previously available to developers.

In addition to the innovations, there were also changes regarding other items and blocks. For example, the enchanted golden apple can no longer be crafted.


With Minecraft 1.2.2, a new creature has appeared in the game, and some of the others have received some changes.


A small creature with an exciting coloring in Minecraft 1.2.2. They live in the jungle and are neutral towards the player. Makes various sounds, is very fond of all types of seeds. After taming, he follows the player and sits on his shoulder if he is standing next to him for a long time. The parrot is the first bird in the game that can fully fly.


In addition to the new mob in Minecraft 1.2.2, the developers from Mojang have made some changes to the behavior of others. For example, witches, when they are on magma blocks, impose fire-resistance effect on themselves. And mushroom cows, in turn, now spawn only on mycelium blocks in the corresponding biome.

  • How can I tame a parrot?
    With any seeds.
  • Is it possible to somehow craft records?
    No. They can only be found in various structures.
  • What is a building block for?
    It is mainly needed by map builders and developers. With its help, you can speed up construction at times.
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