Minecraft PE 1.2.6

Minecraft PE 1.2.6

Download Minecraft PE 1.2.6
10 September 2023
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(43 votes, Rating: 3.2 out of 5)

Download Minecraft 1.2.6 full version with working Xbox Live for Android: a book with a pen, flags, a canyon, and more!

Minecraft 1.2.6 – What’s New?

The Better Together Update is truly global. A large number of objects, blocks, and even a parrot appeared. The Mojang developers have also tweaked the world settings. For example, you can now turn off the cycle of day and night or the spread of fire.

The main

In Minecraft 1.2.6, a tutorial has appeared that allows a beginner to get comfortable. Along with this, a recipe book was added. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to constantly search the Internet for various recipes. It is enough to open the workbench and see the craft of almost any item or block.

World settings

Minecraft 1.2.6 provides players with three new world settings. For example, you can set an initial map. In addition, without resorting to cheats, the player can turn on a bonus chest. This will speed up the survival process in the initial stages.

And the last new parameter is the ability to add trusted players. The bonus chest will be generated next to the player’s spawn and will be surrounded by torches.

Game rules

Map builders will most need these new settings in Minecraft Bedrock 1.2.6. They become available only after enabling cheats. For example, you can turn off the explosion of dynamite. The most exciting feature is disabling health regeneration. This is especially useful in hardcore maps.

Blocks and items

Another important part of Minecraft PE 1.2.6 is innovations in the form of various items and blocks. Among them, it is worth noting a jukebox and a book with a pen. With the help of the player, you can play records and listen to music.

And with the addition of a pen book, players can take notes right in the game. It is recommended to sign the book only after adding the necessary information there. After the signature, it will be impossible to change what has been written.


The only new generation in Minecraft 1.2.6. It is a long and deep rift in the ground. At the bottom, you can find a considerable amount of precious resources.

  • How can I tame a parrot in Minecraft 1.2.6?
    With any seeds.
  • Is it possible to somehow craft records?
    No. They can only be found in various structures.
  • What is a building block for?
    It is mainly needed by map builders and developers. With its help, you can speed up construction at times.
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